Tuesday 31 July 2018

Long Time No Blog...

Well hello there stranger... I'm back! Over the past year my life has been a rollercoaster whirlwind of non stop action; my little baby girl, Audrey, has grown into a fill fledged toddler and I gave birth to my second (and last) child, my adorable baby boy, Bertie

Recently, I've been spending time trying to figure out what inspires me and more importantly what it is I can share with you moving forwards. Over the last few years my life has gone from being a career focused, fitness enthusiast who regularly went on flamboyant holidays. Not to say any of that has to stop, but with two kiddies in tow I am 100% a mummy now; with my priorities and mindset continuously changing

As we progress over the coming months I think it is fair to say you can expect more mummy content including; routines, changing/diaper bag contents, toddler and baby clothing hauls, buggy reviews, potty training tips etc... however this will no doubt be interjected with new nail polish obsessions, beauty finds, quick easy family friendly recipes and that I'm having laser eye surgery! Ahh! In addition we also have some child friendly holidays planned and will be sharing my thoughts on activities, toys and games to keep children entertained

I look forward to sharing more soon! Stay tuned...

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