Friday 16 September 2016

Skinny Mint 14-Day Teatox

With the aim to continue efforts to reduce my post pregnancy belly, it's been 10 months since my daughter arrived, I happened upon the 'Skinny Mint' train. The so-called 'Teatox' describes itself as 'designed to increase energy and naturally cleanse the body'

Disclaimer: Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program

As per usual my sceptical self I decided to start easy and ordered the 14-day starter teatox costing £17.90. This two-step program advises users to drink the 'Morning Boost' every morning and the 'Night Cleanse' every other night.

What's in the Tea?

The Morning Tea
This brew includes green tea, yerba mate, nettle leaves, dandelion, and guarana fruit.. all I can say is that is has a deliciously soft fruity flavour and the caffeine definitely helps provide the 'boost' as detailed in the name

The Evening Tea
Night cleanse contains ginger root, orange leaves, lemon grass, senna leaves, peppermint, licorice root, hawthorn berries, psyllium husk.. this definitely has a more earthy taste and would liken it to any evening relaxation teas I've drunk in the past such as peppermint or chamomile. The benefits listed are purifying and reduced bloating

What were the results?
Although I failed to take any decent photos to document my experience, I can confirm that my stomach definitely felt less bloated and cleaerly had a flatter appearance. I wouldn't say I lost any weight during the two week period (this wasn't my aim in any case; especially as I already lead a fairly healthly lifestyle there were no particular diet changes from my side) however the focus on limiting my bloating seemed to have been addressed

Would I recommend or buy this again?
In short, probably not. I experienced no negative consequences from this program and maintained a healthy balanced diet throughout, I didn't think the benefits outweighed the product cost when I can source similar teas at a more afforadable price. The morning boost also boasted 'a reduction in appetite', however, I'm not sure I felt this and could get the same morning caffeine boost from a cheaper shop bought tea or coffee. The evening cleanse is basically a natural nonprescription laxative aided by the senna leaves and if this is how you'd like to detox you'd be better off buying a slimatee for £4 from Holland & Barrett

If you've completed a teatox or have any other suggestions to share with readers please feel free to comment below! Thanks x

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