Sunday 4 September 2016

My Botox Experience

Controversial Subject Alert! If this is not a subject that is of interest to you I'd advise you stop reading now

Firstly, let me start by saying this post is me sharing my experience and not advocating cosmetic procedures for you or anyone else. I have no medical knowledge or training, this was a decision I made for myself and I'm writing this post to share what I did and how I felt. I've decided to follow a Q&A type format and hope you find the account of my experience of interest

Why did I get Botox?
This is not a decision I took lightly. In fact, I had been considering it for over two years prior to making my choice to proceed (I'm definitely more of a thinker than a doer). I'm not adverse to cosmetic surgery or procedures and am a true believer that everyone makes their own choice on what they do and how they treat their bodies, it's totally a personal choice for each individual. Personally, I was concerned regarding any form of injectables and spent a lot of time doing online research and talking to friends and family who have had this treatment. There are so many conflicting articles and opinions that it would be impossible for me to explain the medical facts of botox, that and the fact I am not a trained in any medical capacity, however, in layman's terms it is an injectable substance which temporarily paralyses the muscles in the area which it is applied

What did I get done?
I have suffered for many years with deepening lines in my forehead; in my opinion causes by sun damage, poor skin care in my youth, fairly strong facial muscles from an expressive face and years of battling stress and anxiety. No one had ever commented on my lines or suggested I have any procedure and I can confidently say this was something which bothered me personally on a daily basis. I found my makeup would settle in these lines and no matter what primers, foundations, creams or powders I used there seemed no way to hide or fill these lines. As mentioned above I spent a lot of time contemplating whether this was the right decision for me and eventually decided that I wanted to try this procedure with the aim of gaining smoother and more youthful appearance

Where did I go?
I researched many local skin clinics and asked for recommendations for friends and family. After a meet up with one of my friends I found out that she'd had botox and was shocked! Her face not only looked amazing but still had plenty of movement, whereas previously I had seen many results of frozen faces. Her skin for beautifully smooth with such a soft and natural look I would have had no idea she'd been down the botox path and was keen to get her recommendation. It turned out that a good friend of hers, a GP/Dr in fact, conducted botox appointments from her home as a side line to her day job. I got her number and got in contact to discuss. We arranged a phone call where she talked me through the procedure and asked if I had any particular concerns or questions. My main question was whether I would be suitable candidate and whether it would be the correct treatment to deal with the concerns I had. She invited me to an appointment where she would be able to review and assess me in person with no obligations. On meeting and assessing my concerns we were in agreement that the procedure should soften the lines and provide a smoother appearance, however, I was aware that it was unlikely to totally erase or remove the lines completely

How much did it cost?
For one area, my forehead, was £200 (for any additional areas such as between the eyes, crows feet etc... it would have been an extra £50 per area)

What did it feel like? Did it hurt?
The Dr requested I wrinkle my forehead and then drew three dots across the region, these were the target points for the injections. As this was my first experience of Botox she recommended we approach cautiously and apply only a small amount, I should then return in 2 weeks time for a review and a top up if required (this would be at no extra cost). At each injection point there was a sharp scratch, as with any injection this is not particularly comfortable but was totally bearable, the solution is stored in a fridge prior to injection so I felt a cold liquid under the skin and for me a slight stinging sensation, again all totally bareable

How long will it last?
Most Botox practitioners will advise the results should last a few months. My Dr advised that as this was my first time it could last up to 6 months, but results can and will vary from person to person

Was I happy with the results?
In short, yes. 2 weeks after my first appointment I returned for a second review. As our faces are not symmetrical and specific muscles are strong that others, I pointed out that I had more movement still visible on my right side and a very small top up was then added to even out the appearance. For me this has dramatically reduced the lines in my forehead and has made a noticeable difference to my makeup application and longevity (a lot less creasing). It is now a month since the procedure and although I can still see the faint imprint of those originally deep lines I've received many comments on the difference it has made.. in a good way of course!
NOTE: I have also personally heard accounts where the results have not been as expected. If this is a procedure you are planning to have I can only recommend you research well, take time to consider if this is right for you and select your practitioner carefully. Remember the results will last for a while and you must be prepared to accept the consequences good or bad

Would I get it done again? Is this going to be a regular thing?
I'll admit I'm pleased with the results and the procedure was quick and painless, however, I don't want this to be something I'll continue for the rest of my life. I do believe that once this wears off I'll likely have Botox again, but I'm also aware that there has to be a point in my life where I go gracefully with the natural ageing process. We all know it's not good for the body to continually have foreign substances injected into it and for clients who do continually use Botox the facial muscles are paralysed for such long spans of time that the muscles eventually have little/no strength and droopy appearance is inevitable, so I guess we'll have to watch this space and determine when enough is enough

I hope my account has been of some interest to you. I look forward to seeing you back here soon! xx

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