Thursday 22 December 2016

Bathroom Pamper Routine

Thought I'd share some of my current bathroom favourites... A mixture of high end and drug store products; even looking at the above picture makes me look forward to my next pamper session! 

Estes Lauder - Perfectly Clean for Normal/Combination Skin 150ml - £22.50
I use this cleaner as my 'second cleanse'; my first being with some micellar water and a cotton pad, followed by this foaming facial wash which doesn't leave my skin dry, but does leave it feeling clean. What more could you want from a cleanser? I do prefer these types of facial cleaners that create a small lather, as I enjoy that feeling of impurities being lifted off my skin. Bonus feature of this cleanser is that is can also be used as a mask

Clarisonic Mia 2 in Lavender - £125
I don't use my clarisonic every day as I have fairly sensitive skin, but I do like to use it once or twice a week to help aid in the removal of any dead skin cells to brighten my complexion. I'm little careful with facial scrubs as I was once told by a therapist to stop using them so often as many are rough and actually damage the skin rather than create any benefit. The gentle sonic vibrations mixed with my current favourite cleanser (above) leave me with a fresh face ready to accept whatever oils or moisturisers are in my current collection

Soap and Glory The Scrub of Your Life 200ml - £7
A foaming body scrub which I use sporadically, but definitely on a pamper night! My legs are very fair and rarely make a public appearance, however I do like to know that even if they are pale they are perfectly shaved and smooth. This simple and inexpensive scrub has a lovely fruity fragrance and lasts a long time even though I'm using it all over

Soap and Glory Exfoliating Scrub Gloves - £4
Mix the above body scrub with these gloves and you're on to a winner. Whether I'm using the scrub or a simple body wash these gloves are thick and textured to help scrub away those skin de-luminating (surely a made up word by myself!) cells to leave your body clean and smooth. I regularly put these in the washing machine for a good clean and they last for months!

Laura Mercier Creme Brûlée Souffle Body Creme 300g - £45
A little luxury which is sadly not good enough to eat, although it smells it. I love love love creme brûlée as a dessert and now I have the opportunity to slather it all over my body. Simply amazing... Although this glass jar does cost a pretty penny it seems a little goes a long way and once empty, you can soak off the label and have a nice glass jar to store cotton buds, stationary or whatever you please (at least that's how I justify the cost!)

Let me know your bathroom favourites and anything I should be adding to my last minute Christmas list! xxx


Tuesday 20 December 2016

Monthly Favourites: Dec'16

It's that time again! For my monthly top 5 favourite products this month I've found myself reaching for these again and again;

By Terry Baume De Rose SPF15 7ml - £32.50
This is available in both a pot and a tube, I opted for the tube as I'd prefer not to stick my fingers into pots where possible. I'm not the greatest fan of rose scented beauty products, but luckily this isn't too over powering and the moisture it provides my lips is well worth putting up with the scent. I've struggled with lip allergies for a few years now and this has definitely helped maintain smooth crack and flake free lips; clearly a handbag staple of mine. Have already repurchased in preparation for a cold and wet UK winter!

Kiehl's Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado 14g - £20
I hated this when I first bough it as it seemed to leave a weird film and not sink in very well. However, I've now learnt the trick to make this work! I take a small dab on my ring finger, and then using my other ring finger, I warm the product up by making small circular motions with my fingers together; once warmed I tap it under my eyes and around orbital bone. I've used this both night and day and haven't seen an issues with my makeup application. A wonderfully rich eye cream; helping to combat those pesky under eye wrinkles

Gucci Rush Eau De Toilette 30ml - £45
An old favourite, I used to wear this fragrance back in my sixth form college days (at the age of 17/18) and this scent brings back a lot of fun memories; so I couldn't help but buy this on a recent shopping trip. Admittedly I'm not a fan of the packaging, this red plasticy square leaves a lot to be desired, but I love the fragrance inside! I'm terrible at describing scents, but will give it a go! To me this is delicately sweet floral fragrance which packs a punch of seductive warmth and a burst of sexy... not sure that does it justice, but this has amazing staying power on me and doesn't disappear after only an hour like most others do. Boots describe it as "Gucci Rush is an ecstatic trip, sinfully cool and enticingly seductive. With an addictive combination of florals and spices, it reflects an extreme feeling of pleasure" Ooh er missus!

Still Stay All Day® Liquid Lipstick in Patina 3ml - £16
Pictured above is a mini version of this lipstick which I got in a seasonal holiday set of 3, however Patina was my favourite shade in the collection and therefore I have already purchased the 3ml version for home whilst this mini 1.5ml stays in my handbag. Patina is one of those colours I can only describe as "my lips but better". A rosy nude which perfectly complements my fair skin and give me that more polish appearance whilst having a lot of staying power. At present I'm not sure I'd agree this stays all day... it does stay for a while, but drinking a lot of hot tea in a working day this does require a few touch ups

MAC Eye Brows in Spiked - £14
Listed by MAC as a mechanical self-propelling, self-sharpening eye brow pencil this is a simple pencil with a lot to offer. Definitely not as waxy as other pencils, this pencil provides shape, definition and colour to your brows in a flash. Don't press too hard or you'll be left with very drawn on brows, using a soft flicking motion this fills my brows beautifully and sets to stay all day. Fun fact, I actually used this pencil for my wedding makeup (that's how much I trust it to do a good job!)

Of course there were many other products I've been using and loving recently, but they didn't make the cut this month. Be sure to leave comments below on any products you think I should be testing out. Thanks! x


How To Save Your Bobbled Jumpers! With A Shaver?

Welcome the Philips Fabric Shaver! This thing is amazing and has already saved a number of my woolen and cashmere jumpers from the recycling pile. This little gadget simply shaves away those pesky little bobbles you get on your clothes, specifically under the arms or areas where the fabric has been rubbed by coats, bags etc... and sucks them, like a mini vacuum cleaner, into a collection chamber for easy disposal

In the below pictures you'll be able to see my beloved M&S tan cashmere jumper, which was looking particularly tatty and not in the luxurious and polished state where I could wear it into the office anymore. A 15 second blitz with the fabric shaver and the bobbles are no more! Definitely a great little gadget to keep your wardrobe fresh; whilst saving you money on buying replacement items!

I purchased mine from priced at £12.99 with Prime delivery (incl. batteries) - link attached here


Friday 25 November 2016

Lacquer Lover: OPI "Comet Closer"

As Dr. Evil famously said "I love gooolllldddd!" With the festive season fast approaching, I've taken matters into my own hands and decided to break out the sparkly shades. This beautiful gold has tiny flecks of nano glitter creating a stunning three-dimensional hue. The only negative I can see with this polish is that it has a slightly rough and bumpy texture, however, this will certainly bring the sparkle to any Christmas party!

Many more Lacquer Lover editions to come; simply sharing some of my favourite shades. Are there any particular OPI shades you're interested to see in action? Be sure to let me know in the comments below

Happy painting!


Monday 31 October 2016

Monthly Favourites: Oct'16

For my monthly favourites try and stick to my top 5 products; that way I can't get carried away and babble for hours

This month I've found myself reaching for these products repeatedly which have made them qualify for this months listing;

TRESemme Keratin Smooth Heat Protection Spray - £5.78
Since the birth of my beautiful daughter last year, I struggled with post-partum hair loss. Lucky for me I have alot of hair, so didn't experience the nightmares that some mothers do. It's been almost a year now and the hair loss has subsided, the latest struggle is the new hair growth (something I didn't think I would complain about!). My once straight and silky locks have started to look broken and frizzy, whereas in fact this is just new hair growth. I've tried expensive hair treatments and shampoos but have actually found this fairly inexpensive product to work wonders. After washing and conditioning my hair I follow with a few perfectly distributed spritzes of this product and after blow-drying I can immediately notice how smoothed my hair looks and feels; with the added bonus of the heat protection! Finally, I can wear my hair down with confidence again!

Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion - £16
For those of us who suffer from oily eyelids and find our eyeshadows creasing throughout the day, this is a perfect product to eliminate those woes. The tube consists of only a mere 11ml (.37 US fl oz) but to cover both eyes I'd estimate I use approx a 2mm blob on my finger and cannot see the day that this tube will end, great value for money and does a fantastic job

Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blush in 'Mood Exposure' - £32 SpaceNK
You'll see from the picture above I'm using the blush from the Ambient Lighting Edit palette (which I no longer believe is available), however, for £32 you can purchase the individual colours. From my point of view I love this in 'Mood Exposure', pictured bottom left in the palette. From looking at the colour it appears to be a soft mauve, but on the cheeks translates as a beautiful natural blushing shade and, being from the ambient lighting range, leaves a stunning glow to your skin

OPI Avoplex High-Intensity Hand & Nail Cream - 50ml £12
Dry skin, I HATE it! Washing baby bottles, cleaning the house etc... had left my hands in a royal mess. My nails had started to weaken and my skin was feeling scaley and old, I desperately needed a help and to find a solution. In conjunction with remembering to wear protective gloves when washing and cleaning, I started a ritual of moisturising my hands a few times a day and found perfection in OPI's Avoplex hand cream. It describes itself to 'help address the needs of severely overworked hands and nails. Increases hydration, flexibility and resilience by enveloping skin in penetrating proteins and protective butters'. Yes yes yes and yes. I have the 50ml in my handbag and the 120ml on my bedside table

Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Lips SPF20 - £2.89
Not sure I've mentioned this previously, but I've had a history of allergic reactions to certain lip products whereby it appears my lips have been burnt, they go red raw and peel (lovely I know!). I've yet to work out which ingredient doesn't agree with me, and would welcome your suggestions if you've struggled with the same symptoms, but know the YSL, Palmers Coco Lipbutter and Rimmel lip products are both no-gos for me! I recently had another instance of this lip issue and although I don't know what caused it I do know that this lip balm definitely helped soothe and restore my lips, will be keeping a few of these around the house to keep my lips in tip top shape

As per usual there were other products I've been using and loving recently, but they didn't make the cut this month. Be sure to leave comments below on any products you think I should be testing out x


Tuesday 25 October 2016

Get To Know Me: 15 Random Questions Tag

I thought it was about time we got to know each other a little better, so I tracked down some questions from the '15 Random Questions Tag'

Here we go...
1. What’s a nickname only your family calls you?
Everyone calls me Caroline, but my dad is the only person who gets away with calling me Cazza. I've always hated it when other people try to shorten your name, it should be the individuals 

2. What’s a weird habit of yours?
I would say I'm on the boarder of OCD. I do like things to be neat and tidy and find myself cleaning up after my husband alot. To be fair he's fairly tidy, I guess I just like something my way... need to move past it somehow!
3. Do you have any weird phobias?
I don't think it's weird, it's probably actually fairly normal, right??? I'm not keen on swimming in open water/water I can't see the bottom of. I have a totally irrational fear that Jaws is waiting for me

4. What’s a song you secretly LOVE to blast & belt out when you’re alone?
Ever since watching Chris D'Elia performing on USA Lip Sync Battle I love to sing and dance badly to Demi Lovato's 'Cool for the summer'. It's also made it onto my gym/workout playlist

5. What’s one of your biggest pet peeves?
This is gross, but I hate it when people won't blow their nose and decide to snort it back loudly whilst in public, it's just revolting. Blow your nose!

6. What’s one of your nervous habits?
In recent times it appears to be talking. I used to be particularly shy and quiet, but now when I'm nervous I tend to try and cover it with talking (more like babbling!)

7. What side of your bed do you sleep on?
The right side

8. What was your first stuffed animal & its name?
The first I recall was a bunny rabbit called Tootsie. My mother kept her as a keep sake and now she sits on a shelf in my daughters bedroom

9. What’s drink you always order at Starbucks?
I love the taste of coffee, but don't handle caffeine too well. So I always order a 'decaf skinny latte'

10. What’s the beauty rule you preach, but never actually practice?
Touching up your makeup throughout the day... I always have the necessary products in my bag but never actually have time to use them. By the end of the day my makeup is sliding off my face! I need to get better at checking it throughout the day

11. Which way do you face in the shower?
I face towards the shower head, I love the feeling of water running over my face. Plus I like to know I've washed off all my makeup

12. Do you have any weird body skills?I have flexible ligaments and am double jointed elbows. In my old age (30's) I can definitely feel my joints stiffening up, but I can still bend my arms both ways. Disgusting, but a great party trick!

13. What’s your favorite comfort food/food that's bad but you love to eat it anyway?
Hmmm... good question... I much more of a savory lover so a comfort food for me would be something like mash potato and/or toad in the hole (basically sausages in Yorkshire pudding - a very English dish.. yum yum!)

14. What’s a phrase or exclamation do you always say?
'Patience is a virtue'

15. Time to sleep - what are you ACTUALLY wearing?
Last night it was cold, so red Abercrombie sweatpants and a 20+-year-old faded Thunderbirds T-shirt.. super sexy I know!

I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about me! Look forward to seeing you back soon for more lifestyle updates x


Tuesday 18 October 2016

Lacquer Lover: OPI Gel "My Chihuahua Bites"

Bring on the reds! Hands down one my favourite nail colours; I'd place this in my top 5 for sure. Today's tipple is OPI's 'My Chihuahua Bites' a slightly coral type red with a beautiful shinny finish. This polish just seems to glow and definitely is an eye catching and classic colour

Many more Lacquer Lover editions to come; simply sharing some of my favourite shades. Are there any particular OPI shades you're interested to see in action? Be sure to let me know in the comments below

Happy painting!


Thursday 13 October 2016

Essential Threading Kit

I'm usually a nails girl, but a few months ago I booked myself into Capital Hair and Beauty's Eyebrow Threading and Shaping course ( training cost at time of this blog publish was £99). Not only was the trainer excellent but I also greatly enjoyed learning a new skill and am now able to thread both mine and my friends/family's brows!

You know I love a good list! So, today I thought I'd simply share the essentials I pack in my threading kit;

Vanity Threading Thread - £2.00 ex VAT from Capital, also available on eBay etc...
This is a 300 metre antibacterial thick white cotton, perfect for create a sturdy loop and coil for threading

Small Ruler - I use the Twist 'n Flex approx £2.00 from Amazon
Having a ruler is essential for beginners like me. This enables me to quickly map out the key eyebrow points on my clients; such as where the eyebrow should begin/end and where the arch should be

Disposable Mascara Brushes - £1.99 ex VAT from Capital
Great little tools for brushing brows up/down to enable a clear path for threading strays and avoiding the hairs you want to keep. A simple spool will of course work, however disposable is essential to ensure good hygiene practices if you are threading multiple clients

Marvelbrow Twizzor - £7.95 ex VAT from Capital
Fantastic little scissors which are sharp and precise for trimming longer hairs if required

Marvelbrow Prep & Prime plus Soothing Balm - £5.95 each ex VAT from Capital
These products were used in the training course and are great for threading as well as waxing or tweezing. The Prep & Prime is rosewater based therefore the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties are great in preparation for threading, whereas the Soothing Blam both cools and clams with chamomile and aloe vera to again provide anti-inflammatory and antibacterial plus redness reducing

I'm not sponsored by Capital or Marvelbrow, but can honestly say all the above products were great in both training and in practice. I use these on myself and friends/family and look forward to continuing my beauty journey and getting better and better with practice.

If you have any threading tips be sure to comment below. Also, I was thinking to write a post to share the tips and tricks we were taught in the course on how to measure up your brows to find the perfect shape, if you'd be interested let me know!?


Tuesday 11 October 2016

Yummy Fruit Crumble

Fruit crumble is truly an Autumn/Winter favourite of ours. I'd usually make an apple crumble, but today we had some other fruits that needed to be used and this was the perfect opportunity to throw them into the mix!

For this recipe you'll need the following:

Filling -
  • Fruit - I used 3 apples, 2 pears and a handful of Sainsbury's frozen berries
  • 3 tbsp of sugar
  • 1 tbsp plain flour
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
Topping - Note: We like a lot of crumble here, half these measurements if you only want a thin layer!

  • 100g unsalted butter cold and cubed
  • 200g plain flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 6 tbsp sugar (4x white sugar, 2x brown sugar)


  • Place all topping ingredients into a bowl and scrunch the mixture together using your fingers until it reaches a lumpy breadcrumb texture; you could also avoid this messy step and place into a food processor and pulse until you reach the same point. Crumble mixture finished... in the style of Chandler from Friends "could that be any easier?"
  • Peel and chop the fruit into large bite size chunks, dust with the flour and sugar, then gently mix to coat all the fruit
  • Finally, shake your topping over the fruit and you're ready to cook!
  • Place in a hot oven (approx 180°C) and bake for 40 mins until the topping is lightly golden and mixture is bubbling

Once cooked I'd suggest to leave it to cool for a few minutes before spooning out and drizzling with either a classic custard or double cream. Admittedly not to healthiest of desserts (packed with butter and sugar) but in moderation a delightful treat on a cold night

Happy cooking! Be sure to let me know in the comments if you've used this recipe and whether you enjoyed the results x


Wednesday 28 September 2016

Lacquer Lover: OPI Gel "Strawberry Margarita"

I know we're now officially in Autumn/Fall, but today was such a beautifully sunny and unusually warm for the UK; it made me want to hold on to summer for just one more day. OPI's 'Strawberry Margarita' is a fresh and fruity bright pop of colour bringing a little sunshine and happiness into everyone's day!

Many more Lacquer Lover editions to come; simply sharing some of my favourite shades. Are there any particular OPI shades you're interested to see in action? Be sure to let me know in the comments below

Happy painting!

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Monthly Favourites: Sept'16

For my monthly favourites I've decided to try and stick to my top 5 products; that way I can't get carried away and babble for hours... well that's the plan anyway!

This month I've found myself reaching for these products repeatedly which have made them qualify for this months listing;

Avene Hydrance Optimale Light Hydrating Cream SPF 20 - 40ml £14.50 from Boots
This is a super light weight oil-free matte finish moisturiser with added SPF. It has the classic Avene subtle spa-like scent and is perfect for normal to combination skin. Not much more I can say about this, other than it does the job and is an affordable price

Nars Sheer Glow Foundation in Mont Blanc - £31 from SpaceNK
An oldie but a goodie. As a preface, I would describe my skin as combination with an oily t-zone and with my skin being of a fair persuasion redness and freckles dominate my complexion. However, with this foundation not only do I get great coverage it softens the appearance of my problem areas and leaves a glowing veil. As the name states, this is a 'sheer' foundation and although I'd agree that this is the case one pump easily blends across my entire face/neck leaving a sheer-medium coverage which can also easily be built up for a glam night out. I woud note that although I like a glowing finish I do add alittle powder over my t-zone to help set and reduce shine

Bobbi Brown Full Coverage Face Brush - £31 from Bobbi Brown
I recall seeing YouTube sensation Tanya Burr using a Bobbi Brown brush in a tutorial to apply her foundation and was immediately intrigued as it looked more like a powder or blush brush. Not sure whether this is the same brush she used, however, after trawling the Bobbi Brown site I stumbled across this brush and thought I'd give it a try. When it first arrived I'll admit I put it in my collection and didn't use for a few months, however on a quiet day when I had time to apply my makeup I finally had the opportunity to give this a go and boy was I impressed! It's probably the quickest and easiest brush I've ever used; blending my foundation flawlessly and not absorbing or wasting product. I would definitely recommend!

Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz in Dark Brown - £15.50 Cult Beauty
Brows brows brows... These definitely make or break your makeup look in my opinion. I was lucky enough to be born with a decent, not perfect, set of brows. The issue I (and many others) suffer from is patchy brows. The brow wiz is a perfect colour for me in dark brown, using the thin nib I'm able to gently shade in those sparse areas to define and enhance to frame my eyes; with the added benefit that is doesn't seem to melt off throughout the day like other pencils

Shiseido Pureness Oil Control Blotting Paper 100 Sheets - £18.50 from Boots
Let's start by acknowledging £18.50 for blotting papers! What was I thinking! I'll be honest, these are good, but no better than any other blotting papers I've tried recently. I suffer from an oily t-zone and rather than applying more foundation or powder throughout the day (which has on many occasions has left me with a total 'cake' face), I'd much rather use a blotting paper of some sort to resolve the issue and not disturb my existing makeup. Boots do their own version for £3.99, but if you fancy splurging on a more luxury brand I'd suggest the MAC blot film for £12 instead of these

There were many other products I've been using and loving recently, let's see if any of them make the cut next month! Be sure to leave comments below on any products you think I should be testing out x


Friday 23 September 2016

Simple Slow Cooked Lamb

This must be up there with the one world's simplest recipes! Slow cooking is one of my households newest loves, the idea of preparing a fresh and wholesome meal with limited time and ingredients... Yes please!

For this recipe you'll need the following:

  • A lamb leg joint — we've used Aldi's leg joint £6.99 per kg
  • Bottle of red wine (approx 1/3 of the bottle) - I chose a cheap and cheerful option 'Carlos Minairo' Merlot from Asda a bargain at £3.65 a bottle
  • A large white onion sliced into half moons
  • A selection of herbs; I've added half a tsp of mint, parsley and thyme


  • Place onions at the base of your slow cooker
  • Sprinkle your herb selection over the onions
  • Add the lamb joint — no need to precook or brown
  • Pour over 1/3 of a bottle of your chosen wine
  • Place the lid back on your slow cooker
  • I usually turn to 'high' to heat the crockpot (about 30 mins) and then turn down to 'low' for around 4-5 hours (or until your meat is tender and falling apart — this may take more or less time depending on the size of your crockpot and meat joint)

Honestly, I think the longer it cooks the more tender and tastier it gets. I totally plan on preparing this meal on days once I return to work; leaving it in the slow cooker for at least 8 hours + on low

This is a simple, inexpensive and delicious evening meal and would serve 4-6 people easily! We tend to serve with steamed vegetables and potatoes, however, this would be an amazing meat alternative to a classic English Sunday Roast with all the trimmings. As there are only two adults in this household we tend to use the left overs in lunch sandwiches or as part of a yummy lamb ragout

Happy cooking! Be sure to let me know in the comments if you've used this recipe and whether you enjoyed the results x


Wednesday 21 September 2016

Lacquer Lover: OPI Gel "Malaga Wine"

Welcome Autumn/Fall; as we move into my favourite cooler seasons the darker richer colours emerge to flatter my fair complextion at last! OPI's 'Malaga Wine' is a beautful rich, full bodied, warm red. A deep seductive merlot tone, ready to see you through any occassion!

Many more Lacquer Lover editions to come; simply sharing some of my favourite shades. Are there any particular OPI shades you're interested to see in action? Be sure to let me know in the comments below

Happy painting!


Friday 16 September 2016

Skinny Mint 14-Day Teatox

With the aim to continue efforts to reduce my post pregnancy belly, it's been 10 months since my daughter arrived, I happened upon the 'Skinny Mint' train. The so-called 'Teatox' describes itself as 'designed to increase energy and naturally cleanse the body'

Disclaimer: Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program

As per usual my sceptical self I decided to start easy and ordered the 14-day starter teatox costing £17.90. This two-step program advises users to drink the 'Morning Boost' every morning and the 'Night Cleanse' every other night.

What's in the Tea?

The Morning Tea
This brew includes green tea, yerba mate, nettle leaves, dandelion, and guarana fruit.. all I can say is that is has a deliciously soft fruity flavour and the caffeine definitely helps provide the 'boost' as detailed in the name

The Evening Tea
Night cleanse contains ginger root, orange leaves, lemon grass, senna leaves, peppermint, licorice root, hawthorn berries, psyllium husk.. this definitely has a more earthy taste and would liken it to any evening relaxation teas I've drunk in the past such as peppermint or chamomile. The benefits listed are purifying and reduced bloating

What were the results?
Although I failed to take any decent photos to document my experience, I can confirm that my stomach definitely felt less bloated and cleaerly had a flatter appearance. I wouldn't say I lost any weight during the two week period (this wasn't my aim in any case; especially as I already lead a fairly healthly lifestyle there were no particular diet changes from my side) however the focus on limiting my bloating seemed to have been addressed

Would I recommend or buy this again?
In short, probably not. I experienced no negative consequences from this program and maintained a healthy balanced diet throughout, I didn't think the benefits outweighed the product cost when I can source similar teas at a more afforadable price. The morning boost also boasted 'a reduction in appetite', however, I'm not sure I felt this and could get the same morning caffeine boost from a cheaper shop bought tea or coffee. The evening cleanse is basically a natural nonprescription laxative aided by the senna leaves and if this is how you'd like to detox you'd be better off buying a slimatee for £4 from Holland & Barrett

If you've completed a teatox or have any other suggestions to share with readers please feel free to comment below! Thanks x


Wednesday 14 September 2016

Lacquer Lover: OPI Gel "Cajun Shrimp"

A classic from OPI. This is definitely part of their family of reds but I wouldn't describe this as a true red; like their "Big Apple Red"

Cajun shrimp is a great summer colour and what I would deem as a coral red. Perfect for an upcoming wedding I'll be attending this weekend!

Many more Lacquer Lover editions to come; simply sharing some of my favourite shades. Are there any particular OPI shades you're interested to see in action? Be sure to let me know in the comments below. Happy painting!


Thursday 8 September 2016

A Great Way To Store Nail Polish

Storing nail polish in a clean and efficient way is an essential to me as I carry these to each of my client visits as a mobile nail technician. Back in the day I used to throw all my polishes into a cosmetics bag and then rummage through it when I needed to find a specific colour; this created a small nightmare for me as I have an ever growing collection of basic lacquers, gel colors, nail treatments and so forth... plus you can image the mess if one of the bottles leaked!

I wanted to quickly share this wonderful product with you. A simple Amazon purchase for £19.95  (usual price of £29.99) has helped me to simplify my storage and made finding each colour a simple task. This is a double sided organiser holds a total of 48 bottles, sporting a transparent casing and carry handle, perfect for storing and transporting my array of polishes. I currently own two of these; 1st for my OPI Gel Colours and 2nd for the basic lacquers and treatments

Link attached here for MAKARTT Universal Nail Polish Holder Storage 

Note: DO NOT leave Gel Polish stored in direct sunlight as the polish can start to cure in the bottles!

Be sure to let me know if your thoughts if you purchase or already own this item and whether you have any other polish storage tips!

Also, would you like to see any OPI Gel Color swatches? Let me know


Sunday 4 September 2016

My Botox Experience

Controversial Subject Alert! If this is not a subject that is of interest to you I'd advise you stop reading now

Firstly, let me start by saying this post is me sharing my experience and not advocating cosmetic procedures for you or anyone else. I have no medical knowledge or training, this was a decision I made for myself and I'm writing this post to share what I did and how I felt. I've decided to follow a Q&A type format and hope you find the account of my experience of interest

Why did I get Botox?
This is not a decision I took lightly. In fact, I had been considering it for over two years prior to making my choice to proceed (I'm definitely more of a thinker than a doer). I'm not adverse to cosmetic surgery or procedures and am a true believer that everyone makes their own choice on what they do and how they treat their bodies, it's totally a personal choice for each individual. Personally, I was concerned regarding any form of injectables and spent a lot of time doing online research and talking to friends and family who have had this treatment. There are so many conflicting articles and opinions that it would be impossible for me to explain the medical facts of botox, that and the fact I am not a trained in any medical capacity, however, in layman's terms it is an injectable substance which temporarily paralyses the muscles in the area which it is applied

What did I get done?
I have suffered for many years with deepening lines in my forehead; in my opinion causes by sun damage, poor skin care in my youth, fairly strong facial muscles from an expressive face and years of battling stress and anxiety. No one had ever commented on my lines or suggested I have any procedure and I can confidently say this was something which bothered me personally on a daily basis. I found my makeup would settle in these lines and no matter what primers, foundations, creams or powders I used there seemed no way to hide or fill these lines. As mentioned above I spent a lot of time contemplating whether this was the right decision for me and eventually decided that I wanted to try this procedure with the aim of gaining smoother and more youthful appearance

Where did I go?
I researched many local skin clinics and asked for recommendations for friends and family. After a meet up with one of my friends I found out that she'd had botox and was shocked! Her face not only looked amazing but still had plenty of movement, whereas previously I had seen many results of frozen faces. Her skin for beautifully smooth with such a soft and natural look I would have had no idea she'd been down the botox path and was keen to get her recommendation. It turned out that a good friend of hers, a GP/Dr in fact, conducted botox appointments from her home as a side line to her day job. I got her number and got in contact to discuss. We arranged a phone call where she talked me through the procedure and asked if I had any particular concerns or questions. My main question was whether I would be suitable candidate and whether it would be the correct treatment to deal with the concerns I had. She invited me to an appointment where she would be able to review and assess me in person with no obligations. On meeting and assessing my concerns we were in agreement that the procedure should soften the lines and provide a smoother appearance, however, I was aware that it was unlikely to totally erase or remove the lines completely

How much did it cost?
For one area, my forehead, was £200 (for any additional areas such as between the eyes, crows feet etc... it would have been an extra £50 per area)

What did it feel like? Did it hurt?
The Dr requested I wrinkle my forehead and then drew three dots across the region, these were the target points for the injections. As this was my first experience of Botox she recommended we approach cautiously and apply only a small amount, I should then return in 2 weeks time for a review and a top up if required (this would be at no extra cost). At each injection point there was a sharp scratch, as with any injection this is not particularly comfortable but was totally bearable, the solution is stored in a fridge prior to injection so I felt a cold liquid under the skin and for me a slight stinging sensation, again all totally bareable

How long will it last?
Most Botox practitioners will advise the results should last a few months. My Dr advised that as this was my first time it could last up to 6 months, but results can and will vary from person to person

Was I happy with the results?
In short, yes. 2 weeks after my first appointment I returned for a second review. As our faces are not symmetrical and specific muscles are strong that others, I pointed out that I had more movement still visible on my right side and a very small top up was then added to even out the appearance. For me this has dramatically reduced the lines in my forehead and has made a noticeable difference to my makeup application and longevity (a lot less creasing). It is now a month since the procedure and although I can still see the faint imprint of those originally deep lines I've received many comments on the difference it has made.. in a good way of course!
NOTE: I have also personally heard accounts where the results have not been as expected. If this is a procedure you are planning to have I can only recommend you research well, take time to consider if this is right for you and select your practitioner carefully. Remember the results will last for a while and you must be prepared to accept the consequences good or bad

Would I get it done again? Is this going to be a regular thing?
I'll admit I'm pleased with the results and the procedure was quick and painless, however, I don't want this to be something I'll continue for the rest of my life. I do believe that once this wears off I'll likely have Botox again, but I'm also aware that there has to be a point in my life where I go gracefully with the natural ageing process. We all know it's not good for the body to continually have foreign substances injected into it and for clients who do continually use Botox the facial muscles are paralysed for such long spans of time that the muscles eventually have little/no strength and droopy appearance is inevitable, so I guess we'll have to watch this space and determine when enough is enough

I hope my account has been of some interest to you. I look forward to seeing you back here soon! xx


Tuesday 23 August 2016

How To Remove UV/LED Gel Polish

I've seen damaged nails time and time again, clients trying to remove gel manicures by picking at their nails or using the wrong products. At home gel removal couldn't be easier, the key is patience... and when I say patience, I mean 15-20 mins! So if you want to remove your gel mani at home and save yourself £10 a time at the salon hopefully my below tips will help.

Listed below are the key tools you'll need to have prepared:

  • Nail file and buffer
  • Acetone - I have found the OPI Expert Touch Lacquer remover to be the best
  • Orange stick or clean metal pusher - Sensationail Polish Removal Tool pictured above
  • Nail foils - such as Gellux Profile Gel UV Polish Remover Wraps (plus pre-attached lint) If you don't have these some strong kitchen foil cut into squares and some cut and folded pieces of kitchen towel should do the job

Step 1
If your gel manicure was applied correctly each of the nails should have been capped with lacquer. Therefore is quick tip to help aid the removal process is to file the free edge removing the cap, just one stroke of the file in one direction will do

Note: This may be the stage you want to prepare yourself a cup of tea or put on your favourite youtube/tv channel

Step 2
Acetone can be very damaging to furniture, carpets etc.. so make sure you are in an appropriate and well-ventilated environment. Then using your choice of acetone, soak the foil lint pad with the solution and wrap tightly around each nail (lint side to your nail). It is important to do this reasonably quickly and focus on one nail at a time. Acetone evaporates very quickly and the tighter the nail foil the less likely it is for the acetone to evaporate and do its job of breaking down the gel. Wait at least 15 mins, no peeking!

Step 3
After 15 mins remove one of the nail foils and review the progress of the removal process. Ideally, at this stage, the gel will be bubbling up and will start to peel off as soon as you remove the foil (similar to the 'fortune telling miracle fish' anyone remember those??!!) However if this is not the case replace the foil and wait a further 5 mins. Some reasons it might take longer could be; a) Are you in a cold room? Warmth can help in the removal. Wrap a towel around your hands to help. b) Your choice of acetone is not strong enough for the Gel you've had applied, perhaps ask your salon which brand they use c) Have you had the gel polish on for more than 2 weeks? The sun is UV and continues to cure your lacquer for the duration it's on, this might mean it takes longer to soak-off

Step 4
Using an orange stick or metal polish remover tool, gently push the remaining loose gel off each nail. If the gel is not coming off easily DO NOT force, this is highly likely to take layers of nail with it and cause irreparable damage to the nail plate. Simply wrap in foil again (Step 3) and wait a further 5 minutes before trying again

Step 5
Once all polish has been removed I like to gently run a buffer over my nails to smooth and imperfections, leaving clean undamaged nails ready for my next lacquer!

I hope you found my tips for removing UV/LED gel at home useful, be sure to share any of your own tips or questions below. Thanks!


Tuesday 16 August 2016

At Home Manicure Tips

During my maternity leave from work, I took some of my daughter's nursery days as an opportunity to up-skill myself in a new trade. My day job for a large financial institution is enjoyable but very stressful and I wanted to use my leave to learn a new skill should I ever be brave enough to leave my current role. I've always had a passion for painting nails, especially mine for special occasions and had always received compliments on my attention to detail and neatness.

I took a few day courses held at my local Capital Hair and Beauty store; manicure & pedicure level 2 and the OPI run Gel Color course. The sessions included both theory and practical elements which definitely helped me understand why I had always suffered from weak peeling nails and how I could modify my approach to finally grow them long and strong. Below I'll share some of my top 5 tips!
Note: I am not sponsored by OPI, I just love their products!

1. NEVER saw back and forth with your nail file, this will cause heat/friction separating layers of your nail leading to breakage, peeling and rough edges. Instead, file in one direction towards to centre

2. 'Cuticles make a manicure'. If your cuticles aren't cared for your manicure will look terrible no matter what colour you use. As I regularly use UV gel, this is a 'dry' manicure process with no soaking, I use the OPI swiss hand guard (both for sanitising my hands and softening cuticles) and gently push with either an orange stick or a clean metal pusher tool. This both removes any excess cuticle matter from the nail plate and pushes the living cuticle back for a clean appearance. Only ever trim cuticles if they are causing hangnails

3. Gently buff away any ridges or imperfections. I use the OPI 100/180 Grit buffer to create a smooth finish. This is great for preparing your canvas for lacquers or even leaving nails naturally glowing and perfected

4. You'd use moisturiser on your face daily, right? So moisture your hand daily too. Your hands are not only open to the same elements as your face, but you also put them through must worse on a daily basis... washing your hands, cleaning the house, gardening etc... Look after the skin on your hands by using an SPF hand cream during the day if possible, but always moisturise at night as this is the best time for your hands to recover as you sleep. I love the OPI chamomile and mint massage lotion, this is great for giving your hands (and arms) a good massage before bed; boosting circulation and aiding in relaxation. ahhhhh...... zzzzzzz

5. Cuticle oil is a saviour of mine, this helps keep your cuticles soft and flexible; eliminating dry and brittle cuticles and thusly the longevity of your manicure

Hope these tips were helpful and enjoy your beautiful manicures!


Lacquer Lover: OPI Gel "Don't Bossa Me Around"

On my pale skin, I tend to opt for what I would call autumnal colours such as rich reds and moody greys as I feel they accentuate my fair tones beautifully. However, with the weather being surprising warm and sunny in the UK I was feeling the need for something lighter and fresh. Scouting through my ever growing lacquer collection I spotted OPIs "Don't Bossa Me Around"

This is an opaque nude with soft pinky undertones. In this picture, I have used all OPI Gel Color range including; base coat, two coats of colour and top coat. If closely inspected you can still slightly see my natural white tips through the two colour coats, however, I'm happy with the results and believe this pale tone might, in fact, make me look as if I have a slight tan, wonders will never cease! I'll continue to road test this new look for the next week or two and will be sure to post my removal process tips for you soon!


Wednesday 10 August 2016

Super Summer Salad

A quick summer salad recipe for you all today!

This was super quick to make and if like me you are a hungry bunny, this is surprising very satisfying for a salad.

Firstly griddle some turkey breast, then chop roughly into bite-size chunks. Wash and chop cucumbers, lettuce, peppers, avocado, some cubes of mozzarella and drizzle with balsamic glaze. Could this be any easier?!

This was made from ingredients I had to hand in my fridge. But you could easily mix this up by adding lentils, green beans, feta, quinoa etc... Hope you enjoy!


Tuesday 9 August 2016

What's In My Bag?

1. Gucci Soho Leather Cross-body Bag in Nero
After having my daughter I realised that trying to keep my purse, keys etc.. in my diaper bag was impossible as I could never find them! Having a compact bag of my own meant I could securely zip my essentials away and this little beauty has proved perfect for the job. The textured leather is hard wearing and thus far shows no sign of wear, plus I can throw it across my body in the knowledge the zip is keeping everything secure and safe whilst I'm preoccupied with carrying my baby, shopping etc...

2. Clinique Small Mesh Bag
This was a gift free with purchase many years ago. It's the perfect size for my little bag and keeps smaller items such as lip balms, hair ties and much more neatly stored away for a clutter free bag

3. Miu Miu Purse
When needing a compact purse I still needed the room to hold credit cards, cash and coins. Finding one that was the right size was a mission, so when in Las Vegas a few years ago I stumbled across this and have carried it ever since. I'm definitely a big fan of the textured leather, its so hard wearing and no marks to be seen as yet... even though my keys are surely trying their best!

4. Audi Car Keys
Prior to my daughter arriving I decided to buy a 'pre-push' present for myself and part exchanged my BMW mini for the Audi Q3. The boots space was far superior and knowing my little girl would be safely ferried to different baby groups with space for buggies and food shopping was definitely a weight off my mind

5. House Keys
Essential for accessing my house, need I say more?

6. Jemma Kidd Retractable Travel Brush
Again an old purchase which is no longer available, however, many other such brushes are available in boots and super drug. Having a retractable brush not only saves space but also protects the bristles from damage and germs

7. NYX Butter Gloss - Vanilla Cream Pie
Love these! They aren't too sticky and leave a mere hint of colour on your lips. Now available in boots

8. Bourjois Healthy Balance Compact Powder - Vanilla
The powder that claims to "evens out and boosts the radiance of your complexion whilst taking care of your skin". It's nothing to rave about, it's a nice light powder which helps reduce shine during the day. The packaging is super slimline and lightweight making it easy to toss in your bag, it also contains a large mirror and no hideous little sponge

9. Palmer's Cocoa Butter Lip balm SPF15
I seem to be growing intolerance for certain lip products, however, this one is currently 'a ok' in my book. It moisturises (tick) and provides SPF coverage (tick)

10. Hair Tie
I have medium length hair and get extremely annoyed on windy days when it blows into my face.. hair ties are an essential part of my life... sad I know

11. Superdrug Compact Pop Out Brush
When space is limited but you don't want to look windswept, this is a great option. I tried to carry flat combs, but they just couldn't get through my knotty hair, this solved the problem. It's neat design folds away to a slim clamshell also providing a hand mirror should it be required

12. Mini Tic Tacs
In my younger days, I had invisalign braces and chewing gum was just not possible with my aligners in. At that time I started to carrying mints instead and will either have tic tacs or smints with me at all times for fresh breath and a sweet treat. These little mini versions came from duty free in a rather giant sized tic tac box, which I'm still working my way through

13. Travalo Atomiser
Filled with one of my favourite fragrances Acqua Di Palma - Mandorio Di Sicilia, available from Space NK, the scent is beautiful described as "Almonds met with the freshness of Chinese star anise, bergamot and orange blend with the soft encompassing notes of green Mediterranean almond and ylang-ylang. The base offers cedar wood, vanilla, Tolu balsam and white musk." Personally, the vanilla really shines through for me in a subtle way and not too sweet. Although this is not a cheap purchase at £90 a bottle, one single mist provides enough fragrance to last all day

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